• What Causes Snoring? Solutions for Better Sleep

    If your partner snores or your partner has complained that you snore, you may be on the lookout for ways to treat this problem. Occasional snoring is normal and nothing to be concerned about. However, chronic snoring may be a symptom of an underlying health problem that requires treatment. 

    Causes of Snoring 

    Periodic snoring may be caused by consuming alcohol close to bedtimetaking sleep aids, or sleeping on your back. Other causes include being overweight or having a deviated nasal septum or narrow airway. 

    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is another possible reason for chronic snoring. This sleep disorder causes breathing to slow or stop five or more times per hour of sleep. The reduction in breathing signals the body to wake up, which may result in a loud gasping or snorting sound.  

    People with sleep apnea don’t just disrupt their partner with loud snoring—they also often struggle with fatigue, morning headaches, and difficulty concentrating. Sleep apnea can also cause high blood pressure, increase the risk of stroke, and lead to sexual dysfunction. 

    Treatments for Sleep Apnea 

    If you or a loved one snores loudly and struggles with daytime symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea, rest assured that solutions are out there! One option commonly recommended by doctors is to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. While this may be the only effective option for treating severe OSA, patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea may benefit from wearing an oral appliance during sleep. 

    Oral appliances for sleep apnea resemble mouth guards worn to stop nighttime teeth grinding. The biggest difference is that oral appliances for sleep apnea are designed to hold your bottom jaw forward slightly. This helps prevent your tongue from relaxing and blocking your airway as you sleep. 

    Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy 

    Many patients prefer using a non-obtrusive oral appliance to treat sleep apnea instead of a CPAP machine. Consider the many benefits of this option: 

    • Comfortable and simple to wear 
    • Discrete and easy to transport when traveling 
    • Easy to clean and care for 
    • Affordable 

    Get Solutions for Better Sleep from Park 56 Dental 

    To take full advantage of oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea, you need a custom device made to fit your mouth. The team at Park 56 Dental is happy to meet with you to discuss your snoring concerns. We will perform a series of tests to diagnose your condition and recommend the proper treatment. This may include a custom oral appliance, lifestyle changes, and more. 

    If we determine that a custom oral appliance can help you, we’ll fabricate one based on an impression of your teeth. This allows the device to fit your mouth without compromise for the best possible outcome. 

    The “Sleep Better” Team at Park 56 Dental can offer solutions to help you improve your quality of life. Contact us at (212) 826-2322 today to schedule a consultation at our NYC dentist office, and your journey to a more restful sleep will begin! 

  • What Are the Consequences of Sleep Apnea?


    Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous type of sleep disorder. It’s characterized by the frequent and cyclical cessation of breathing during sleep. Typically, the patient doesn’t realize that he or she has stopped breathing, as it only lasts a few seconds before the brain causes the person to wake up in order to restart breathing. Although the patient’s breathing is only stopped briefly, this pattern of low oxygen can prove deadly in the long run. Fortunately, many sleep apnea patients can find the help they need from their dentist. 

    Consequences of Daytime Drowsiness 

    Even if the patient isn’t aware that he or she is waking up dozens of times each night, the patient will still suffer from daytime drowsiness. Sleep apnea prevents people from entering the stage of deep, restorative sleep. As a result, they’re likely to have trouble concentrating and staying awake during the day. Productivity at work or school can suffer. Even worse, sleep apnea patients are at an increased risk of getting into car accidents or being involved in accidents at work. 

    Risks of Cardiovascular Disease 

    Patients with poorly controlled sleep apnea are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. This includes high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, heart disease, and heart attack. Stroke is another common type of cardiovascular event that has been linked to uncontrolled sleep apnea. These potentially deadly complications are alarming, but the good news is that patients can manage their risk by getting their sleep apnea symptoms under control. 

    Potential for Metabolic Problems 

    Research shows that people with obesity are at a higher risk of developing sleep apnea. And of course, people with obesity are also more likely to develop metabolic problems like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, this doesn’t entirely explain why people with sleep apnea are more likely to be diagnosed with these issues. Researchers have discovered that even sleep apnea patients in a normal weight range are at an increased risk of metabolic problems. 

    The dentists at Park 56 Dental offer effective solutions for sleep apnea patients, including custom-made oral appliances that support the airway during sleep. If you or a loved one suffers from sleep apnea, get in touch with our dental clinic in NYC by calling (646) 783-3529. We also offer complete smile restoration services! 

  • Common Reasons for Emergency Dental Care

    Experiencing a dental emergency can be stressful, but at Park 56 Dental, we’re available to help you get out of pain with the emergency treatment you need around the clock. We always have a doctor on-call to help with a dental emergency, and we can tell you whether you can manage care on your own until normal office hours or if you need to meet us right away for treatment. Keep in mind that you should call 911 if you can’t reach us and have experienced a significant injury. Here are some of the most common dental emergencies we deal with at our office.  

    Knocked Out Tooth 

    Having a permanent tooth knocked out may cause you to panic, and it certainly qualifies as a dental emergency. If your tooth is knocked out, pick up the tooth, if possible. Be sure to grab it by the crown without touching the roots, which could damage them. Rinse it off, and if you can, put it back in the socket. If you can’t, keep it between your gum and cheek or in milk or water. The sooner you see your dentist after a tooth is knocked out, the better your odds of reattaching it will be.  

    Severe Toothache 

    A toothache is almost always the sign of a serious problem. While a moderate toothache can be addressed during office hours, a severe toothache is an emergency. Severe pain could be the sign of an abscess, which can release a dangerous infection into your body, so seek emergency dental care if you’re dealing with a strong toothache.  

    Broken Jaw 

    A broken jaw is a serious injury that needs immediate attention. In some cases, your dentist may be able to treat your break by using a bandage to hold the jaw in alignment. In other cases, he or she may recommend surgery. Get emergency dental care right away so that the injury doesn’t get worse.  

    Park 56 Dental provides care for your emergencies around the clock, so call our dentist office in NYC when you have an urgent need. Dial (646) 783-3529 for more information.

  • Are There Any Side Effects of Having Dental Sedation?

    Dental sedation is an ideal way to get the oral health care you need without anxiety or discomfort. There are several different kinds of dental sedation available, depending on your specific needs. Your dentist will work closely with you to choose the right kind of sedation according to your treatment needs, medical history, preferences, and potential side effects.  

    Some kinds of dental sedation cause little to no side effects. For example, nitrous oxide won’t cause prolonged sedation, through it may cause a headache. Deeper sedation techniques may cause lingering feelings of drowsiness. With IV sedation, patients will experience prolonged grogginess and need someone to drive them home from their appointment.  

    Park 56 Dental is pleased to offer several forms of dental sedation to allow you to have your oral health treatments comfortably. If you’re interested in sedation dentistry in NYC, call (646) 783-3529 to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists.  

  • Are All-on-4 Implants Right for You?

    If you have several missing or damaged teeth, the toll on your oral health and your self-esteem can be huge. Missing teeth make it difficult to eat and speak normally, and you face the risk of damage to the soft tissue in your mouth and your remaining natural teeth. You may also hesitate to smile and struggle in professional and social settings. All-on-4 implants offer a fast and effective solution to help you feel better about your smile while improving your overall oral health. Here is what you need to know.  

    What are All-on-4 implants? 

    All-on-4 implants can replace a full arch of missing teeth in one appointment, without the need for bone grafting. They are the perfect alternative for people who want the speed of dentures but the stability of dental implants. The All-on-4 system involves using four posts, which are tilted at a 45-degree angle. The angle improves stability and ensures the nerves and the sinus cavity are not affected. Then, a customized set of crowns designed to look like your remaining natural teeth is attached to the posts. You have a brand new smile in a single appointment.  

    What are the benefits of All-on-4 implants? 

    All-on-4 implants deliver fast results, which is important to many people with missing teeth. They are more comfortable and appear more natural than dentures, and unlike dentures, they don’t require any kind of special care. Bone grafting is not usually required, and the system is more affordable than individual dental implants.  

    Who is a good candidate? 

    Nearly anyone who has multiple missing teeth is a good candidate for All-on-4 implants. They are a good alternative for people who can’t get traditional dental implants without bone grafting and who don’t wish to wear dentures.  

    The best way to find out if you are a candidate for All-on-4 implants it to make an appointment for a consultation at Park 56 Dental. To schedule your appointment with a top dentist in NYC, call our dentist office at (646) 783-3529.

  • Tooth Sensitivity 101

    If your teeth hurt when exposed to hot or cold drinks or even when you take a big gulp of air, talk to your dentist as soon as possible. Tooth sensitivity can often be treated, and allowing your dentist to determine the cause is the first step.  

    Watch this video to learn more about tooth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are sometimes caused by aggressive brushing, and in other instances, teeth grinding is to blame. Diet, especially diets high in acidic foods or carbonated drinks, can also trigger sensitivity.  

    Make an appointment at Park 56 Dental to find out what is causing your tooth sensitivity and to get the treatment you need. To make an appointment with a top dentist in NYC, call (646) 783-3529. 

  • Simple Things You Can Do to Keep Your Smile Looking Its Best

    It’s common knowledge that seeing a dentist regularly is one of the best ways to maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. The dental hygienist will scrub your teeth until they gleam, and the dentist will diagnose and treat oral health issues before they turn into major problems. But beyond dentist appointments every six months, there are plenty of everyday things you can do to support your oral health.

    Learn to love water.

    Did you know that athletes are at a high risk of tooth decay and gum disease? It’s because sports drinks are often acidic and contain large amounts of sugar. Non-athletes who drink soda and fruit juice also have this problem. One easy way to keep your pearly whites looking their best is to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and skip the soda and fruit juice.

    Choose soft-bristled toothbrushes.

    Dentists strongly recommend using soft-bristled toothbrushes, even though medium and hard bristles are readily available in stores. Although your enamel is quite hard and durable, hard bristles can gradually wear it down. Hard bristles can also encourage the gum line to recede, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

    Swish mouthwash for the recommended time.

    Lots of people use mouthwash, and many of them even double-check the label to make sure it contains cavity-fighting fluoride. But not everyone knows how to use mouthwash correctly. Check the label. Depending on the product, it will likely say to swish the mouthwash vigorously for 30 seconds or one minute, then spit. You’ll also be instructed not to eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes, so refrain from swishing with water after you use mouthwash. Following the directions is important for keeping the cavity-fighting fluoride and any teeth whitening ingredients in contact with your teeth for the recommended time period.

    With the cosmetic dentistry services available at Park 56 Dental, you can get a smile you’ll be proud to show off. Our friendly staff offers a full suite of dentistry services in NYC, including teeth whitening, dental veneers, implants, and smile makeovers. Call (646) 783-3529.

  • Taking a Closer Look at Dental Anxiety

    Many people never go to the dentist because they are nervous about having dental work done. Unfortunately, ignoring oral health issues will only make them worse. Gingivitis is easily reversed, for example, but advanced periodontal disease requires far more intensive treatment. If you’ve been delaying an appointment because of your nerves, it’s time to talk with your dentist about sedation dentistry.

    This video introduces the concept of sedation dentistry. Patients can use a sedative, such as laughing gas or an oral medication, to help them feel better about sitting in the dentist’s chair. While sedated, time will seem to pass more quickly and few to no memories of the experience will be retained.

    With sedation dentistry available in NYC, there’s no reason to be nervous about your upcoming dentist appointment. Just call Park 56 Dental at (646) 783-3529.

  • Which Foods Are the Healthiest for Your Teeth?

    Every January, countless people make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and eat healthier. As an added bonus, many of the same foods that are good for your waistline are also good for your teeth. Dentists recommend eating plenty of fresh, natural foods that are low in sugar and high in calcium. Leafy greens, fruits, and nuts are all at the top of the list.


    Apples are naturally sweet, making them a great alternative to desserts and snacks with added sugar. By choosing an apple instead of a few cookies, you’ll reduce the amount of sugar your teeth are exposed to, which can help fight tooth decay. Apples have other benefits as well. The crunchy, fibrous texture of the apple stimulates the gums and triggers the production of saliva. Saliva is important for washing away particles of food and bacteria.

    Leafy Greens

    Dairy products aren’t the only foods that are high in calcium. Leafy greens like kale and spinach are also chock-full of this important mineral, which helps keep your teeth and bones strong. Look for ways of incorporating more leafy greens into your diet, such as by adding spinach to your tacos or pizza. When you make salads, you can make your own sugar-free salad dressing from olive oil, vinegar, and freshly cracked pepper.


    Almonds are often included on lists of superfoods. They contain lots of calcium and protein to help protect your teeth. And since they are naturally free of added sugar, almonds make the perfect snack or salad topper.


    While cheese is too high in calories to be considered a diet food, it’s actually very good for your teeth. Enjoy small amounts of cheese in moderation to boost your calcium intake. Cheese may also offer a protective benefit beyond its calcium content. Research suggests that eating cheese will raise the pH level of the mouth, which reduces the risk of enamel erosion and tooth decay.

    Even if you follow a smile-friendly diet, it’s still important to get a professional teeth cleaning every six months. Park 56 Dental provides comprehensive preventive, general, and restorative dentistry services. You can call our dental clinic in NYC at (646) 783-3529 to request an appointment.

  • How Long Does Laughing Gas Last?

    If you have mild dental anxiety, your dentist may recommend nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. This is the mildest level of sedation dentistry. It won’t put you to sleep, and you’ll still be able to respond to the dentist’s requests and questions. Laughing gas has an excellent track record of safety in both adults and children.

    About five minutes before beginning the procedure, the dentist will apply a face mask to administer the inhaled gas. You’ll start feeling relaxed within a matter of minutes. Once the dental procedure is completed, the dentist will turn off the gas. You may continue to receive oxygen for a few minutes, which will help you regain alertness faster. Generally, it only takes a few minutes to shake off the effects of the gas. However, for safety’s sake, the office staff may ask you to remain for about 15 minutes to ensure that you’re fully alert before driving.

    The team at Park 56 Dental is certified and licensed to administer sedation dentistry in NYC. Schedule an appointment today by calling a friendly staff member at (646) 783-3529.