• Why it’s Important to Replace a Lost Tooth

    Many people assume that a missing tooth only has cosmetic consequences. But while having a gap in your smile is enough to make anyone self-conscious, there are also numerous health-related reasons not to ignore a missing tooth. Whether you opt for a bridge, removable partial dentures, or a dental implant, here’s a look at why it’s important to replace a lost tooth.

    • Your teeth may shift and loosen: Every tooth helps maintain the stability of the one next to it. If you lose a permanent tooth, the surrounding teeth may begin shifting to fill the gap, undoing years of orthodontic work.
    • Chewing may be more difficult: The sensitive gum tissue where your tooth is missing can make it painful to chew in that part of your mouth. Then, if your teeth drift out of place, your bite may suffer, making chewing even more uncomfortable. Over time, you may find it cumbersome to eat solid, healthy food like fruits and vegetables, which can lead to poor nutrition.
    • You could develop TMJ disorder: To avoid discomfort, you may start chewing food on only one side of your mouth. However, this can strain your jaw muscles and lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, resulting in jaw pain, chronic headaches, and other symptoms. Lopsided chewing can also wear down your teeth unevenly and affect their appearance.
    • You may be more prone to cavities and gum disease. A shifting smile and altered bite can make your teeth harder to clean. This means you’re more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease, both of which may lead to further tooth loss.
    • Your jaw bone could deteriorate: A healthy jaw is only possible if you have healthy teeth to stimulate the production of new cells. If you lose one or more teeth, this stimulation disappears, which can lead to bone loss.
    • Your appearance could change: When your opposing teeth have nothing to make contact with, your muscles and bone structure may begin to change. This problem is most apparent if you lose several teeth, which can lead to sunken cheeks and an aged appearance.
    • Your self-esteem could suffer: Losing baby teeth may have been fun as a kid, but having a gap in your smile as an adult can drain your confidence level. First, you become concerned with your appearance and cover your mouth when you smile. Then, you may avoid talking too much if you develop a speech issue. Depression and anxiety can set in as a result.

    If you recently lost a tooth in a traumatic incident or had a decayed tooth extracted, visit Park 56 Dental to explore your tooth-restoration options. We recommend dental implants to many of our patients because they provide a hassle-free, long-lasting way to replace a lost tooth. Even if you didn’t qualify for an implant in the past, you may now be eligible. To find out what makes us the best dentist in New York, please call us at (212) 826-2322 and schedule a consultation.