• Why Your Gums Itch

    You know that feeling when your gums start to itch? The sensation can be annoying, and it might even make you a little self-conscious. But did you know that gum itchiness is actually a sign of something else going on in your mouth? There are a few different things that can cause your gums to itch. Read on to learn more about common causes of itchy gums and what you can do about it!

    What Causes Gums to Itch and What Are Symptoms?

    The most common cause of itchy gums is plaque build-up. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums. When plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar. Tartar can irritate your gums and cause them to itch. Other causes of itchy gums include:

    • Gum disease – Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue. It can cause swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums.


    • Allergies – Allergies to food, medication, or other substances can cause itching and swelling of the gums.


    • Dry mouth – Dry mouth can occur due to certain medications, medical conditions, or treatments. It can cause the gums to become irritated and itch.

    Symptoms of itchy gums include:

    • itching


    • redness


    • swelling


    • tenderness


    • bleeding


    Are Itchy Gums a Warning Sign for a More Serious Issue?

    Itchy gums are usually not a sign of a more serious condition. However, in rare cases, they may be a sign of gum disease or another oral health problem. If you have any concerns, see your dentist or oral healthcare provider.

    What Are My Options for Treatment and Relief?

    The best way to treat itchy gums is to remove the plaque and tartar with professional dental cleanings. Your dentist or oral healthcare provider can also recommend other treatments, such as:

    • Fluoride mouth rinse – This can help prevent plaque build-up.


    • Soft toothbrush – A soft-bristled toothbrush can be less irritating to your gums.


    • Medications – If your itchy gums are caused by an allergy, your doctor may prescribe medication.


    When Should I See a Doctor for My Itching Gums?

    You should see a dentist or oral healthcare provider if your itchy gums are severe or don’t improve with home treatment. You should also see a healthcare provider if you have any other symptoms, such as:

    • fever


    • swelling of the face or lips


    • difficulty breathing

    How Can I Prevent Itchy Gums?

    You can help prevent itchy gums by practicing good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and using a fluoride mouth rinse. You should also see your dentist regularly for professional dental cleanings and check-ups.

    How Can Park 56 Dental in NYC Help Me Treat My Itchy Gums?

    If you have itchy gums, the team at Park 56 Dental in New York can help. We offer professional dental cleanings and a variety of other treatments to help relieve your symptoms. We also offer preventative care services to help you avoid itchy gums in the future. To learn more, contact us today or schedule an appointment online.