The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Well-Being

Woman caring for her dental health.

Good dental hygiene provides an extra boost of confidence. It’s easy to smile and share in conversations when you know your teeth are at their best. But aesthetics isn’t the only reason that you should be keen on keeping your mouth spic and span. Your overall wellness can depend on good dental routine, along with regular checkups and cleanings at your dentist. Let’s look at some of the different ways a healthy mouth can help you live a better life.

A Stitch in Time

Maintaining good dental hygiene practices, such as daily brushing and flossing, combined with regular dental checkups, can help you avoid issues such as cavities, gum disease and tooth decay. Left unchecked, these conditions can worsen to discomfort, infection, and tooth loss. Taking a proactive approach to your dental routine is the best way to stop problems before they can start.

Good For the Wallet

Fixing a serious dental problem is much more expensive than preventing the problem in the first place. The average root canal can cost anywhere from $700 to upwards of $2,000, depending on the tooth location. Dentures or dental implants cost even more. You can save yourself a headache, and a toothache, by proactively engaging in good dental hygiene.

For Your Health

Bad dental hygiene has been linked to serious health problems. Mouths are full of various types of bacteria, most of them harmless. But bacterial buildup from gum disease can contribute to bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart’s chambers and valves. There is also a link between cardiovascular disease and gum disease, though scientists do not yet fully understand the connection. Inhaling the excess bacteria resulting from poor dental hygiene can even lead to respiratory disease and pneumonia.

Communication Matters

Your smile isn’t just for show; it’s an essential tool for communication. Dental problems like missing teeth can affect the way you talk, potentially causing confusion and eroding your social confidence. Maintaining proper oral health can help ensure your message stays on track.

Mental Health

Experiencing pain in your mouth is more than just an inconvenience. Dental problems can cause psychological issues and result in lower feelings of self-worth. On the other hand, a healthy smile can boost your confidence and increase your overall happiness.

Looking Out for Baby

For expectant mothers, oral health during pregnancy is crucial. Poor oral health has been associated with preterm birth and low birth weight. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make women more susceptible to dental issues, underscoring the importance of dental care during this critical time.

The link between good oral health and overall well-being is undeniable. It’s not just about a dazzling smile; it’s about your physical, mental, financial, and emotional health. Park 56 Dental is here to be your partner in dental wellness. Voted NYC’s best dentist, we specialize in pediatric, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, Invisalign®, emergency, and sedation dentistry. Don’t skip those dental appointments. Keep up with your daily oral hygiene routine and address any oral health concerns promptly. Your smile reflects your overall well-being, so let us help you make it a healthy one.